On Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 7:30pm, Nicholas Pyers, in conjunction with Perry Liebe, will present their “Favourite Podcasts” to the Macintosh Multimedia Group [3MG], a joint venture between AUSOM Incorporated and iMug.
Nicholas and Perry will discuss their favourite podcasts and explain why they like those particular podcasts. Then they’ll show people how to find podcasts of their own.
Favourite Podcasts
- Tuesday, December 11, 2007
7:30pm – 10:00pm
(Doors open at 7:00pm)
- Macintosh MultiMedia Group [3MG]
Balwyn Baptist Church
Corner Whitehorse & Parring Roads
Balwyn, Victoria
Melways Ref: 46 F8
- Entry – Free of Charge
Refreshments – 30 cents
Interested in using the material from this presentation? Any non-profit Apple Macintosh User Group (MUG) may re-print, free of charge, any of the articles written by Nicholas Pyers found at https://www.nicholaspyers.com/articles. There are just a couple of conditions, which basically boil down to letting us know – for the full terms and conditions, please visit https://www.nicholaspyers.com/reprints.