What is ACE 2000?
The Australian Connectivity Expo 2000 (ACE 2000) is an expo for users by users. It’s about how computers are used. It’s about Alternatives (particularly alternatives to so-called Microsoft “solutions”). It’s about connecting with people. It’s about enhancing the user experience. ACE 200 will feature “alternative” Operating System’s, including Amiga, Linux, OS/2 and MacOS.
It is expected that we’ll see a strong Apple presence at the show – AUSOM will have a stand thereand it is hoped that Apple Computer, Australia themselves will be there, possibly even with live previews of the MacOS X Public Beta, which is expected to have been released by then.
Many other user groups, charities and commercial entities will be there and many are involved in running aspects of the show.
AUSOM will have a stand at ACE 2000. Contact the AUSOM Office for more details.
Demos & Seminars
A number of demonstrations and seminars are planned. Topics include;
- Cable vs ADSL – Which one for you?
- The worlds’ best file utility.
- Video production the easy way!
- Programming with Objects for Rapid Application Development.
- Creating databases is easy… with the right tools!
- So quick you didn’t see it! Graphics!
- Voice recognition: Where art thou HAL?
Dinner and Quiz Night
A Dinner and Quiz Night have also been organised for Saturday night at 8pm in the Marathon Room of the South Melbourne Soccer Club, which is only 5 minutes walk from the “The Pits” Expo centre.
Cost for the Dinner and Quiz Night is only $30 per head and this includes some non-alcoholic beverages. The club is licensed until 1am.
If you’d like to make up an AUSOM table or two, then please email expodinner@zonian.net.au.
The Quiz Night will be organised by Computerbank – a charity that recycles old computers and installs Linux on them, which they then provide free of charge to those who can’t afford a computer. Look for Computerbank with the Lunix User Group Victoria (LUV) stand.
When & Where?
ACE 2000 is going to be held on Saturday October 21 from 9am – 6pm and then again on Sunday, October 22 from 9am – 5pm.
ACE 2000 is going to be held in “The Pits” building, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park, which is in the middle of the park by the lake (Melways Ref 2K G11) which is surrounded by plenty of public transport and also has tons of free car parking spaces!
Entry is only $10 for general admission, $7 for Students and Concession and a family ticket may be purchased for $20. Children under 12 are admitted free!
More Information
The official ACE 2000 web site is to be found at . It keeps changing so keep an eye on it. It details who is exhibiting and what demonstrations and seminars are happening.
An ACE 2000 mailing list has also been created to receive the latest news direct in to your mailbox. To subscribe, visit .
For those interested in Internet Relay Chats, email lanky@connect.net.au, for details on the planned regular IRC conferences.
Staffing the AUSOM Stand
As mentioned earlier in this article and promoted on the ACE 2000 web site, AUSOM will be having a stand at ACE 2000. AUSOM plans on promoting the benefits of Macintosh computers to the home and small business users.
If you can assist, even for an hour or two, please contact the AUSOM Office by either telephoning 03 96654 1924 or emailing office@ausom.net.au and letting them know the days and times you can assist. Some assistance may also be required to setup on the Friday afternoon and to pack up Sunday evening.
It might be possible for AUSOM to host some of the seminars, so we could focus on using Macintosh computers for accessing the internet, or web creation and hosting, graphic design or even genealogical research 🙂
If you’d be interested in giving a presentation on a suitable topic, please email Gary Lowen at gjl@labyrinth.net.au or telephone him on 03 9743 4615.
A copy of this article, with colour images, is available from my website, https://www.nicholaspyers.com.
Interested in reprinting this article? Any non-profit Apple Macintosh User Group (MUG) may re-print, free of charge, any of the articles written by Nicholas Pyers found at https://www.nicholaspyers.com/articles. There are just a couple of conditions, which basically boil down to letting us know – for the full terms and conditions, please visit https://www.nicholaspyers.com/reprints.