While the final release of the “full” version of Eudora Pro 4.3 was slightly later than the anticipated release date of January 26th, it did arrive in late February. A couple of minor bugs that snuck in to the final build of the MacOS version meant that v4.3.1 had to be released later the same day. The Windows version remains at v4.3.
For details on Eudora Pro’s feature set, either see page 9 of the February 2000 issue of AUSOM News, or my web site.
Eudora Pro may be downloaded directly from http://www.eudora.com and I strongly recommend you get it direct from their web site, and not a “mirror” site, and fill in the survey presented, particularly if you do plan on running Eudora in Sponsored mode. This way you’ll be able to view advertisements that are suited towards your own personal interests.
Getting rid of the ads
A number of people on the web and on AUSOM FirstClass have expressed a desire to remove the ads displayed when in Sponsored mode. Personally I don’t mind the ads, there have been some interesting products promoted through them. On the Mac version though, I’d like to move them off to my secondary monitor, rather than the main one. The Windows version isn’t all that intrusive, being down in the bottom left corner of a single large, integrated window.
For those who don’t want the ads, there are two ways of achieving this. First method is to upgrade to Paid mode by paying for the product. See below for a cheap way of doing this. The other method is to put Eudora into “Light” mode. This is similar in concept to the current Eudora Light application. It is limited in the features available – You can only access one mailbox per settings file; the options under the Filters are limited, but basic filters are there. You can switch between Sponsored and Light at any time to allow access to the full feature set or to hid ads.
Upgrading from earlier versions
For users of v4.0 through to v4.2.x, there is a separate updater to bring you up to v4.3 and you have the option to disable the ads.
When you run the Eudora 4.3.1 installer, it will give you a registration number. Jot it down and when you launch Eudora, go to the Help menu and choose the “Payment and Registration”. Now click on the “Change Your Registration” button and fill in the information there, including the number you jotted down before and also remember to select the “Paid” option.
Users of Eudora Light or Eudora Pro v3.x, you can “upgrade” direct to the Sponsored mode of v4.3 using the “Full” installer. If you want to upgrade further to “Paid” mode, just follow the steps in “Payment and Registration” area.
Cheap Upgrade to Paid mode
Qualcomm’s regular retail price for Eudora Pro is US$49.95. However, Aladdin Systems, the publishers of the Stuffit product range, is offering, for a limited time, Eudora Pro v4.2 at a special price of US$29.95. Visit to order yourself a copy.
If you don’t already own a copy of v4.x, this is a cheap way of “upgrading” to get rid of ads. Non-PowerMac users may also wish to take advantage of this offer, as the last version of Eudora Pro to run on 68k machines is v4.2.2.
A copy of this article, with colour images, is available from my website, https://www.nicholaspyers.com.
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