
All posts by nicholas

Staying in ContactOn Wednesday, April 4, 2012 the MacTalk Hunter Apple User Group hosted a presentation by Nicholas Pyers on “Staying in Contact”.

When conducting this presentation Nicholas was over 1,000km away, in a totally different state, to his audience!

He used the various methods mentioned in the presentation to communicate with the members of MacTalk Hunter group! Continue Reading

MobileMeMobileMe costs a mere 32¢ a day!

On Wednesday, September 8, 2010, Nicholas Pyers explains to ClubMac why it is worth every ¢ if you use any combination of a Mac or PC Desktop Computer, Laptop, iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch Continue Reading

Reading iBooksDespite the hype about how Apple’s iPad is going to kill the traditional paper based book and other e-book readers like Amazon’s Kindle, it is interesting to note that the much publicized iBooks application for the iPad is NOT actually installed on the iPad by default. Like the iTunes Remote App, it is a free, yet optional, download from the iTunes App Store. Continue Reading

AMUG Celebrates 30th AnniversaryTo help the Apple Macintosh Users’ Group of Sydney (AMUG) celebrate their 30th Anniversary, Nicholas Pyers presented “AMUG Celebrates their 30th Anniversary… Through the Advertisements of Apple Inc”

The presentation included various advertisements covering some of the products available from Apple Inc as well as highlighting the milestones of AMUG over the last 30 years. Continue Reading