
Nicholas Pyers, of, will present “Using Zoom as a Presenter” to the a “hybrid” meeting of AUSOM Incorporated.

Nicholas, will be in Junee, New South Wales, Australia, so he, along with many of the meeting participants, will join the meeting via Zoom; whilst a number of AUSOM members shall be at NewHope Baptist Church, Blackburn North, Victoria, Australia.
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Don’t Carry The Burden Alone Presentation Title Screen

Most, if not all, Apple User Groups have a Committee or Board of Directors that usually consist on at least a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. More often than not, there are a couple of ‘Ordinary Members’ on the Committee as well.
And in many cases the Committee end up doing the bulk of the day-to-day work for the club, which means they can’t focus on long term and overall strategic planning… and just as often they just end up plain running out of energy.

If this sounds like your organisation, seriously consider appointing some additional people to extra positions.

Nicholas Pyers, of, discussed a number of potential positions Apple User Groups could consider appointing with the attendees of the April 2022 Worldwide Apple User Group University. Continue Reading

Nicholas Pyers, of, joined Doug Smith, Chair of the Apple User Group Advisory Board at the November Worldwide Apple User Group University.

Doug presented an explanation about how to access and update the Apple User Group Locater. Nicholas then led off the discussion about End of Year Tasks for Apple User Group Leaders. This was followed by experiences and suggestions by a number of other participants. Continue Reading


Junee Volunteer Summit 2018 - Fundraising presentation by Nicholas Pyers

Junee Volunteers’ Summit 2018 – Fundraising presentation by Nicholas Pyers

On May 25, 2018 Nicholas Pyers was a Guest Speaker at the Junee Volunteer’s Summit, where he presented various Fundraising Ideas to the volunteers attending from Junee, Temora and Coolamon Shires.

Nicholas also took part of a Q&A Panel with fellow guest presenters (Murray Rear AFSM, CEO of Temora Aviation Museum; Bron Hatty, Ganmain Markets; and Stephen Childe from Jardine Lloyd Thompson.

He also conducted a short workshop on Marketing and Fundraising, along with Bron and Kerry Phelan, from Gasworks Motorsports, where we brainstormed with a small group of attendees.
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Staying in ContactOn Wednesday, April 4, 2012 the MacTalk Hunter Apple User Group hosted a presentation by Nicholas Pyers on “Staying in Contact”.

When conducting this presentation Nicholas was over 1,000km away, in a totally different state, to his audience!

He used the various methods mentioned in the presentation to communicate with the members of MacTalk Hunter group! Continue Reading

MobileMeMobileMe costs a mere 32¢ a day!

On Wednesday, September 8, 2010, Nicholas Pyers explains to ClubMac why it is worth every ¢ if you use any combination of a Mac or PC Desktop Computer, Laptop, iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch Continue Reading