Press Release – For Immediate Release
Melbourne, Australia
Issued on March 1, 2004
In his role as Special Events Co-ordinator of AUSOM Incorporated, Australia’s Leading Apple Macintosh User Group, Nicholas Pyers is interviewed on The User Group Report by Chuck Joiner, the Chairman of the Apple User Group Advisory Board.
During the interview, Nicholas talks about getting quality presenters at his user group in Australia, how they fund their organization, and why he contributes to the MUG Center’s Newsletter Content email list.
Also during the same issue, the User Group Report looks at the most popular internet radio show on the ‘net, Your Mac Life; examines a group that endured and surviced leadership conflict; introduce a new feature; and get the latest crop of special deals just for user groups. Guests include Shawn King of Your Mac Life, Nicholas Pyers of AUSOM, Oriana Mellot and Eddy Nivens of the Charlotte Apple Computer Club, and Lorene Romero.
You can listen to Issue 403 of The User Group Report in either Quicktime or MP3 format by visiting the MUG Center website. The segment with Nicholas’ interview commences at timecode 00:35:30 and consludes at 00:53:05.
Here is a copy of the broadcast as a mp3.
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The MUG Center is a central clearinghouse for the many resources available for Macintosh User Groups, their members, and their leaders.
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Related Links
The MUG Center
The User Group Report
AUSOM Incorporated
Your Mac Life
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