Press Release – For Immediate Release
Melbourne, Australia
Issued on July 19, 2004
The History of the Macintosh
Through the Advertisements of Apple Computer, Inc.
To help celebrate Twenty Mac Years, Nicholas Pyers will be give a series of presentations, in Melbourne, Australia and Wellington, New Zealand, on the History of the Macintosh, through the Advertisements of Apple Computer, Inc.
Melbourne, Australia
Saturday, August 7, 2004
Main Auditorium, Building 4
Elgar Road Campus, Box Hill TAFE
Cnr Whitehorse & Elgar Roads, Box Hill
Wellington, New Zealand
Friday & Saturday, September 24 & 25, 2004
Presentation Times TBA
New Zealand Digital Solutions Expo
MovieFest 2004
Concourse, 3rd Floor
Te Papa, Museum of New Zealand
Cable Street, Wellington
A 90-second teaser promoting the presentations is avialable as a QuickTime Movie at Nicholas’ web site.
The Twenty Mac Years presentation will be hosted in Melbourne, Australia by AUSOM Incorporated – Australia’s Leading Apple Macintosh User Group, where entry is free and visitors are most welcome.
In Wellington, New Zealand, the Twenty Mac Years presentations will be hosted by WelMac and presentated at New Zealand Digital Solutions Expo & New Zealand MovieFest.
The Twenty Mac Years presentation has been supported by a number of organisations, including;
Apple Computer, Inc. User Group Relations
Rocket Factory
Matt Irwin Photography
A copy of this press release, along with any images, is also available from my website,