On Tuesday, July 28, 2009, Nicholas Pyers, Founder & Publisher of AppleUsers.org, presented “Apple User Group Trends” to iMUG. He also used this opportunity to launch the AppleUsers Spotlight, a new, free, PDF based magazine.
Topics covered during the presentation included;
Apple User Groups
- What are Apple User Groups?
- How did they evolve
- Today’s demographic?
- What do they offer now?
- Community – Greatest Asset of User Groups
Apple Retail Stores
- User Groups are now Competing against Apple Retail Stores
- Stores do offer small group training
- but very public, lots of distractions
- very structured… not conducive to questions/tangents
The Future
- Co-operation with other groups
- Embrace the Internet
- look at CreativeLive’s online courses
- Podcasts
- There will always be User Groups!
- “Mac” vs “Apple”
- Return to our roots – embrace ALL Apple products in name and spirit
- Central Location for Australian Apple User Groups
- Represent 30 Groups with over 5,000 Apple Enthusiasts and Users
- Publish User Group Meetings in Australian MacWorld, soon AppleUsers Spotlight
- Regular contact with Leaders of Australian User Groups
Disc of the Month
- AppleUsers.org compile DotM for User Groups to distribute to their members
- Promoted through Australian MacWorld and soon through AppleUsers Spotlight
- Valuable Resource to Members and Clubs alike
Launch of AppleUsers Spotlight
Nicholas also proudly launched the new AppleUsers Spotlight, a new digital magazine
It is an example of co-operation of communication via email alone!
PDF magazine
- Short Lead Time
- Colour
- Hyperlinks
- Expect to be 20-30 pages per issue
- First Issue — bumper 50 pages!
Apple User Group Trends
- Tuesday, July 28, 2009
6:30pm – 9:30pm
If an usher is not at the door to let you in, press the intercom button marked Floor 4 Front (not Rear)
- iMug
Level 4, 247 Flinders Lane
(Ross House Building, between Swanston & Degraves Streets)
Melbourne, Victoria
- $2 supper contribution
Apple User Groups
The Future
- AppleUsers.org
AppleUsers Spotlight
AppleUsers Spotlight Archive
Disc of the Month
Disc of the Month Archive
User Group Resources
A copy of the slides used during the presentation can be downloaded as a 3.1MB PDF;
slides »
Interested in using the material from this presentation? Any non-profit Apple Macintosh User Group (MUG) may re-print, free of charge, any of the articles written by Nicholas Pyers found at https://www.nicholaspyers.com/articles. There are just a couple of conditions, which basically boil down to letting us know – for the full terms and conditions, please visit https://www.nicholaspyers.com/reprints.