Nicholas also took part of a Q&A Panel with fellow guest presenters (Murray Rear AFSM, CEO of Temora Aviation Museum; Bron Hatty, Ganmain Markets; and Stephen Childe from Jardine Lloyd Thompson.
He also conducted a short workshop on Marketing and Fundraising, along with Bron and Kerry Phelan, from Gasworks Motorsports, where we brainstormed with a small group of attendees.
Like many people in Junee, the small regional town in the Riverina area of New South Wales that I currently resides in, I volunteer with a number of different organisations including Junee Rhythm n Rail Festival, Pete’s Hobby Railway, Gasworks Motorsports, and the Junee Events and Tourism Advisory Committee.
The Junee Volunteers’ Summit provided many new ideas and ‘food for thought’ that I can bring to each of these organisations.
Fundraising — 2018 Junee Volunteer Summit
When:- May 25, 2018
9:00am — 2:30pm
- 2018 Junee Volunteer Summit
Athenium Theatre
Broadway, Junee, NSW
A copy of the slides used in the presentation can be downloaded as a 2.4MB PDF;
slides »
Links Discussed
Fundraising Ideas- Fundraising Directory
Be sure to grab their Fundraising Directory, 101 Fete Stall Ideas and the Ultimate Sausage Sizzle Organiser Guide. Plus they have great summaries on all the different rules for conducting Raffles in different states
- Fundraising Whisperer
A great Facebook group where you ask questions from other experienced fundraisers and get expert answers on how you can improve your own events
- Australian Fundraising
A range of professionally organised Fundraisers — from Cookie Dough sales all the way through to raffles with international holidays and cruises as prizes
- Fetes and Festivals
Grab the relevant ‘Fete-in-a-Box’ — it’s not just for Fete or Festival organisers as it contains a wealth of tips, information and resources for ALL fundraisers!
- Grant Connect
List of current and upcoming grant opportunities on offer from the Australian Government
- Community Grants Hub
Offers a simplified grant experience by improving how grants are administered across Government for the benefit of stakeholders and the community
- Grant Guru
Access grants offered by federal and state governments, local councils, businesses and private organisations
Bonus Links
- Don’t Carry the Burden Alone!
This article provides a number of suggestions for potential roles for Volunteers in an Apple User Group and the types of tasks that could undertake, but most other types organisations can benefit from having a Social Media Officer, Publicity Officer, Photographer and especially a Fund Raising Officer and Special Events Co-ordinator
- End of Year Tasks for Apple User Group Leaders
This article includes segments on Thanking Volunteers, Committees and Members; plus planning a Fund Raiser and Special Event
- Have You Thanked Your Volunteers?
Although this was published back in 2010, the advice contained within this article is still valid today!
- The Art of Community
This articles explains that through the book, The Art of Community, you’ll experience the broad range of talents required to recruit members, motivate them, manage them, and make them happy to be part of your community. Jono Bacon takes you through the different stages of community and covers the information you’ll need, ranging from software tools to conflict resolution skills
- Finding Volunteers
This article covers Ten Steps for getting good volunteers committed to your fundraising goal! Although the original article is over ten years old, the tips suggested are still just as relevant today!
- An extra bonus:
Does your Apple User Group have a website? This articles explains why Apple User Groups should have a website; how to set one up; and what to include on the site. Most of the information applies just as equally to all Community Groups
Another Bonus — National Fete Research Project
Just days after Nicholas presented “Fundraising” to the Junee Volunteers’ Summit, the Fundraising Whisperer, along with QUT’s Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, released the results of the National Fete Research Project.
The study was based on School Fetes so the demographic was consistent across the results, but the information contained in the report is highly informative and insightful for ANY fundraising group!
The biggest money earner at school fetes might come as a surprise, with the humble barbeque beating out amusement rides and cake stalls to rake in the most fundraising dollars, according to research by QUT’s Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies.
The average fete profit for a large school (more than 700 students) was approximately $26,000 and for a small school (fewer than 300 students) it was approximately $10,000, with the largest profit from a single fete $93,000
I know many of us would be happy raising the “small” profit rate 😉
read the National Fete Research Project »
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