On Wednesday, November 3, 2010, Nicholas Pyers will present “Using Spaces, Expose & Dashboard” to MacTalk Hunter.
Using Spaces, Expose & Dashboard
- Wednesday, November 3, 2010
- MacTalk Hunter
The Waratahs Rugby Union Football Club
42 – 46 Station Street
Waratah, New South Wales
- Free Entry
A copy of the slides used in the presentation can be downloaded as a 1.1MB PDF;
slides »
Other Presentations in November 2010
Nicholas is conducting three presentations, at three different Apple User Groups in November, including this one.
A copy of the flyer promoting the presentations can be found here;
flyer »
This presentation was also advertised in the October/November 2010 issue of the AppleUsers Spotlight.
Interested in using the material from this presentation? Any non-profit Apple Macintosh User Group (MUG) may re-print, free of charge, any of the articles written by Nicholas Pyers found at https://www.nicholaspyers.com/articles. There are just a couple of conditions, which basically boil down to letting us know – for the full terms and conditions, please visit https://www.nicholaspyers.com/reprints.