Here is a crossword puzzle based on some these announcements.
2. European car manufacturer that is including integrated iPod support in their vehicles
5. New photo format supported in iPhoto 5
6. “Applications” used by Dashboard are called
10. Application that now adds 8-track recording
11. Swedish car manufacturer that will offer iPod connectivity in their entire 2005 US model line
12. Apple’s Cheapest Macintosh yet
14. Feature that automatically selects the perfect number of songs to fill the iPod shuffle
15. Smallest iPod yet, in both size and cost
16. 2005 is the year of …
18. Another European car manufacturer that is including integrated iPod support in their vehicles
20. Car manufacturer that now includes iPod integration and had two cars on the Macworld Expo floor
22. A Sports Case, Arm Band, Battery Pack and what other accessory was announced for use with the iPod shuffle
23. What is the new desktop search technology in Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” called
24. iApp that adds controls to set exposure, black and white points, saturation, tint, temperature and sharpness
25. Japanese car manufacturer that is including integrated iPod support in their vehicles
26. New feature in Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” Mail application that allows easy display of images received in email
1. City where Macworld Expo was held
3. This video editing tool now includes LiveType, Soundtrack, and HD video support
4. Upgrade includes 15 amazing new themes featuring moving drop zones that can display video clips or photos in motion across menus
7. Apple’s cheapest and simplest HDV editing application
8. The CEO of which company made a guest appearance on stage during the Keynote
9. Used to create stunning slideshows easily
13. iChat AV in Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” allows up to how many people to participate in a video chat
15. Makers of Crossword Forge
17. In relation to the regular Mac OS X Dock, where does the Dashboard dock appear
19. With this suite, Apple are building the successor to AppleWorks
21. Word Processor with Incredible Style
The solution to the above puzzle can be viewed by clicking on the link below;
solution ยป
Thanks to Sol Robots for providing a fully licensed version of the Mac OS X version of Crossword Forge to generate this puzzle.
A copy of this puzzle, along with the solution, is also available from my website,
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