On Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 10:00am, at the Retiree & Others, a Special Interest Group of AUSOM Incorporated, Nicholas Pyers will participate in a “shoot out” showing how three different Design Applications can be used to produce a promotional flyer.
Nicholas will be using Apple’s Pages, a part of iWork ’06, while Barbara Gibson will use Adobe Photoshop. A third person will also use a yet-to-be-determined application as a comparison.
The object of the “shoot out” is not to determine which design application is the “superior” one, but rather to allow attendees determine which one best suits their own personal needs.
The three presenters will highlight the features of their chosen design application they like the best to show off how they would produce a promotional flyer.
Design Application Shoot Out
- Wednesday, August 9, 2006
10:00am – 12:00pm
(Doors open at 9:30am)
- Retiree & Others
Balwyn Baptist Church
Corner Whitehorse & Parring Roads
Balwyn, Victoria
Melways Ref: 46 F8
- Entry – Free of Charge
Refreshments – 30 cents
Other Presentations in August
Nicholas is involved with three separate presentations in August, including this one. Information about each presentation, are detailed in the PDF flyer below;
flyer »
Interested in using the material from this presentation? Any non-profit Apple Macintosh User Group (MUG) may re-print, free of charge, any of the articles written by Nicholas Pyers found at https://www.nicholaspyers.com/articles. There are just a couple of conditions, which basically boil down to letting us know – for the full terms and conditions, please visit https://www.nicholaspyers.com/reprints.
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